Monday, December 10, 2018


written November 2018


Video clip series which prepares anyone to experience the great outdoors in a tropical setting.
Preparation is your best tool to enjoy.  When you are prepared, you feel more relaxed and appreciative of nature.  Getting attuned to nature creates vibe conducive to wellness. 
Simple skills you can easily learn or just common sense to get you equipped.

Join me as I take you to THE OUTDOOR THERAPY.

1.       Planning for a Hike
Enjoying nature involves walking.  Ease while walking is important.  Comfortable clothes and footwear provides evident help to get you adjusted to your environment. Clothes to keep you dry from either the heat of the sun or splashes of abrupt rains and the use comfortable shoes to secure your feet to the rigors of the trails. 
Making sure your needs comes in handy whenever necessary. Always keep simple. Needs should be imposing over wants.  And while you practically appreciate things around you, keeping yourself safe while exposed to the elements should be uncompromising.
Going on a hike needs to have a plan. Equip yourself with enough information of the place you wish to go. Check weather patterns and forecast and consider them in planning.   Be sensitive of the place’s local practices and culture. Be observant and respectful.
Let someone know the activities you will be doing and advise them of your schedules. If anything goes off beam from the schedule, they should know what to do. Provide regular updates if communication is possible.
Use of map or navigation devices are beneficial.  Stay on established trails.  As much as possible, do not create impact that will in any way harm the environment.  Nature is best appreciated in a distance. 

Let’s go hike!

2.       What’s inside your hiking rucksack

Your hiking rucksack is simply your hiking backpack.
Bringing only what you need is necessary.  Simplicity means ease of carrying.
Comfort in carrying is surely pleasant hiking.

Let me show you the things I usually bring on a day hike. 

Safety in Hiking
1.       Gather enough information about the place you wish to hike
2.       check weather forecast and consider them in planning
3.       Let someone know the activities you are going. If anything went wrong, they should know what to do. Provide regular updates if communication is possible
4.       Bring essential hiking necessities only
5.       Stay on established trails during hiking
6.       Never leave the group. Provide small distances from each other
7.       Be observant and respectful
8.       Keep you trash and bring them down. Do not liter.
9.       Nature is best appreciated in a distance.

Hiking Ethics
1.       Arrive on time at designated assembly venue
2.       Participate on headcount
3.       Understand climb expectations during briefing.
4.       While hiking, Keep small distance between hikers.  Never leave the group unannounced.
5.       Use established trails and avoid impacts on environment
6.       Be courteous and alert fellow hikers of all dangers along the trails.
7.       Avoid switchbacks.
8.       Hiking is not a race.  Overtaking is only done when necessary.  Be courteous.
9.       Keep you trash at all times and dispose them properly upon getting back from your hike.
10.   Respect nature.  Never bring with you anything from the hike .
11.   Enjoy nature and wildlife from a distance
12.   Take nothing but pictures; leave nothing but footprints; kill nothing but time.

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